10月8日 10:36AM
I’m keeping my campaign commitment.
We’re not going to raise taxes one penny on anyone making under $400,000 per year.
What we are going to do is have the wealthiest Americans and the biggest corporations finally pay their fair share.
10月8日 9:19AM
The protection of our public lands must not become a pendulum that swings back and forth depending on who is in office.
This is not a partisan issue.
10月8日 8:30AM
- ベアーズ・イアーズ国定モニュメント(ユタ州)
- グランド・ステアケース=エスカランテ国定モニュメント(ユタ州)
- ノースイースト・キャニオンズ・アンド・シーマウンツ・マリーン国定モニュメント(ロードアイランド州)
After the last administration chipped away their protections, today I’m proud to announce the protection and expansion of three of our most treasured national monuments:
– Bears Ears
– Grand Staircase-Escalante
– Northeast Canyons and Seamounts
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com