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Tomorrow, Im traveling to Europe to meet with our allies and partners exactly one month after Putin accelerated his brutal war in Ukraine.

Then Ill travel to Poland to hold a bilateral meeting with President@AndrzejDuda

. I look forward to discussing our response to the humanitarian and human rights crisis Russia has created in Ukraine.

On this trip we will make clear that the West is united in our defense of democracy. Putin thought he would divide us, but we are stronger than at any time in recent history. We stand with Ukraine and we will continue to ensure Putin pays a heavy economic price for his actions.

8:41 AM · Mar 22, 2022

322日 8:41AM


The federal government is doing its part to get ready for potential Russian cyberattacks.  

We are prepared to help private sector companies with tools and expertise, but it is your decision as to the steps youll take and your responsibility to take them.

2:35 PM · Mar 21, 2022

321日 2:35PM


写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com



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