Today marked the 29th annual Men’s March Against Violence. We have much more to do but I’m extremely proud of the hundreds who stood together today against domestic violence. #MensMarchAgainstViolence #EndDomesticViolence💜
本日、第29回「メンズ・マーチ・アゲンスト・バイオレンス」が開催されました。まだまだやるべきことはたくさんありますが、今日、家庭内暴力に反対して共に立ち上がった数百人を非常に誇りに思います。#MensMarchAgainstViolence #EndDomesticViolence 💜
Mayor Blangiardi recently delivered remarks at the local observation of UN World Habitat Day. The theme: “Adequate housing for the spectrum of need in Honolulu.” He explains what that means on this week’s episode of the One O’ahu Podcast. Listen now at: https://oneoahu.org/podcast
写真:Fuzheado, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons