Last year, I made a commitment to beautify, revitalize and improve security in #Chinatown. Now, on Feb. 23 I will be joined by my top Cabinet members to update the community on the status of projects and the plans for 2022.
I am incredibly proud of the way our team has committed itself to revitalizing Chinatown in a thoughtful and strategic manner. We have accomplished significant improvements throughout the district and we have a lot more work to do.
We look forward to implementing more collaborative measures for the community to give Chinatown the care and love it deserves to thrive in the years to come. Of particular note, the highly successful launch of our CORE program (Crisis Outreach Response and Navigation), Weed and Seed, street cleaning and sanitation efforts, increased security, and the solicitation for more affordable housing, are all solutions bringing about visible positive change to the cultural heart of Honolulu.
4:19 PM · Feb 15, 2022
2月15日 4:19PM
私たちは、チャイナタウンがこれから数年の内に繁栄していくのに必要とされている改革を行っていくために、コミュニティーの皆さんと協力してやっていくことを楽しみにしています。特に、「CORE(Crisis Outreach Response and Navigation : 現場で直接対応をして支援する)プログラム」の立ち上げは素晴らしい成功を収めており、「雑草と種子(Weed and Seed : 悪い雑草を摘み取り良い種子を植える)」活動、そして路上清掃と消毒作業、安全性の向上、そして、より手に入れやすい価格の住宅の提供などを行ってきました。これらはホノルルの文化の中心地に目に見える形で変化をもたらしています。