Working with the community, Red Cross and FEMA, we’ve moved 6,000 residents displaced by the Maui fires into temporary housing in hotels and Airbnbs. Here’s a short update about the next steps of the debris removal process.
コミュニティや赤十字、FEMAと協力し、マウイ島の火災で避難している6000人の住民がホテルやAirbnbの仮設住宅に転居しました。 ここでは、瓦礫撤去の次のステップについての最新情報をお伝えします。
The Dept. of Human Services announced that Hawai‘i is approved for a temporary waiver that will allow participants in the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to purchase hot foods with their benefits from August 16 thru September 14, 2023.
写真:Aloha102, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons