A son of Searchlight, Nevada, Harry never forgot his humble roots. A boxer, he never gave up a fight. A great American, he looked at challenges and believed it was within our capacity to do good — to do right.
May God bless Harry Reid, a dear friend and a giant of our history.
12月28日 5:35PM
Here’s where we stand one year in:
– Nearly 6 million new jobs — a record for a new president
– Unemployment down to 4.2% — three years ahead of predictions
– Applications for new small businesses up 30%
– The fastest economic growth in nearly 40 years
America is on the move.
12月28日 12:49PM
- およそ600万の新しい雇用創生 これは新しい大統領としての記録です。
- 失業率は4.2%に減少 予想より3年早く達成しました。
- 新しい小企業の設立申請が30%増加
- およそ40年間で最も早い経済成長
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com