I made a commitment to the American people that when I became president, the United States would return immediately to the world stage and address the climate crisis.
I kept that promise by rejoining the Paris Agreement.
12月16日 6:00AM
The United States stands with Japan at this critical moment.
Our alliance is the cornerstone of a free and open Indo-Pacific and we welcome Japan’s contributions to peace and prosperity.
12月16日 12:01AM
(日本の防衛力増強について) 合衆国はこの非常に重要なときに日本を支持します。日米同盟は、自由で開かれたインド太平洋地域の礎であり、私たちはその地域の平和と繁栄に対する日本の貢献を歓迎します。
African voices, leadership, and innovation are all critical to addressing the most pressing global challenges and to realizing the vision we all share:
A world that is free, open, prosperous, and secure.
12月16日 5:30AM
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com