Today, I signed a bill raising our debt ceiling. Members of both parties came together to ensure that the federal government doesn’t default on past debts. Defaulting would be a catastrophe for our economy, and it’s a responsibility of governing to make sure we pay what we owe.
12月16日 8:15AM
The best protection against Omicron is getting fully vaccinated. If you haven’t gotten the shot yet, now is the time. If you’re over 16 and got vaccinated at least 6 months ago, go get your booster. Head to http://Vaccines.gov to find a clinic near you.
12月16日 8:00AM
This afternoon, I will award the Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest military honor to three American soldiers. I am honored to recognize the heroism of Sergeant First Class Alwyn C. Cashe, Sergeant First Class Christopher A. Celiz, and Master Sergeant Earl D. Plumlee.
12月16日 6:12AM
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