History will judge us harshly if we turn our back on freedom’s cause in Ukraine.
We can’t let Putin win.
Yesterday, in Austin and San Antonio, at least six people were killed and several more injured by a gunman – leaving families devastated, and communities forever changed.
And just hours ago, the University of Nevada at Las Vegas became the latest college campus to be terrorized by a horrific act of gun violence, and the community is still awaiting information on casualties.
Jill and I join citizens across our nation in praying for the families of our fallen, and for those injured during these latest acts of senseless violence. We are grateful for the courageous work of law enforcement – who risked their own safety to bring an end to these deadly shooting sprees.
For all the action we have taken since I’ve been President, the epidemic of gun violence we face demands that we do more, but we can’t without Congress.
Together, we must do more to prevent more families and communities like Austin, San Antonio, and Las Vegas, from being ripped apart by gun violence.
そしてつい数時間前、ネバダ大学ラスベガス校は、恐ろしい銃乱射事件によって恐怖に陥った最新の大学キャンパスとなってしまいました。 コミュニティは依然として犠牲者に関する情報を待っている状態です。
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com