10月26日 9:41AM
Make no mistake: Climate change is an existential threat to humanity.
We need to act. We need to pass my Build Back Better Agenda.
10月26日 8:02AM
Under my Build Back Better Agenda, no middle class family will spend more than 7% of their income on child care.
And we’re going to extend the historic middle class tax cut for parents — the expanded Child Tax Credit — we passed through the American Rescue Plan.
10月26日 7:03AM
When the Portal bridge was first built, it was state of the art. But that was over 110 years ago.
Nowadays, it’s a chokepoint.
We’re moving forward on a new bridge — and with my infrastructure bill, we’re going to make sure projects like this are just the beginning.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com