It has been decades since the first White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. And in that time, we’ve learned so much more about nutrition and health.
I’m proud to convene again – I know together we can make America a stronger, healthier nation.
9月28日 8:53AM
For the 1 in 4 Americans living with a disability, the ADA is more than a law.
It’s the key to equality, opportunity, and independence.
9月28日 7:41AM
障害を持つアメリカ人4人のうち1人にとって、ADA(Americans with Disabilities Act : 障害のある人々が、障害のない人々と同様にプログラムおよびサービス、活動に等しくアクセスできることを保証する法律)は単なる法律以上のものです。それは、平等、機会、独立への鍵なのです。
In every country in the world and in every state in this country – no matter what else divides us – if parents cannot feed their children, nothing else matters.
9月28日 4:48AM
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