9月16日 9:30AM
I can’t believe this has to be said, but a teacher shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than a hedge fund manager.
9月16日 8:14AM
My Republican friends are attacking my plan — saying it’s “big spending.”
I have to laugh when I hear that one.
These are the same folks who passed the Trump tax cuts, almost $2 trillion, a giant giveaway to corporations and the top 1% — and almost none of it was paid for.
9月16日 8:03AM
For a long time, this economy has worked great for those at the top. While ordinary, hardworking Americans — the people who built this country — have been cut out of the deal.
This is our moment to change that. This is our moment to deal working people back in.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com