9月15日 8:48AM
Today, another round of payments from our expanded Child Tax Credit is heading to working families across the country.
Be on the lookout for a $250 to $300 payment labeled “CHILDCTC” in your bank account.
Help is here with the American Rescue Plan.
9月15日 8:01AM
For millennia, Jewish communities have marked Yom Kippur as an occasion to reflect and pray; fast and seek forgiveness; account for past transgressions, and commit to future change.
Jill and I extend our very best wishes for an easy and meaningful fast to all who observe.
9月15日 7:19AM
National Hispanic Heritage Month is a reminder of how much strength we draw from our diversity and immigrant roots. This month, we recognize that Hispanic heritage is American heritage and celebrate the boundless contributions the community has made that make our nation stronger.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com