8月12日 10:08AM
For every other type of health care service, we allow Medicare to use its leverage to negotiate lower prices for seniors. But for prescription drugs, Medicare is prohibited by law from doing so.
It’s time we change that with my Build Back Better Agenda.
8月12日 9:09AM
Today, one in four Americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford them. Nearly 30% have skipped doses — or cut pills in half — because they can’t afford the cost.
We have to change that. And we can.
8月12日 7:57AM
Four years ago in Charlottesville, the battle for the soul of America was laid bare. Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and white supremacists emerged from the shadows, but Americans of all different backgrounds stood their ground.
We must continue to stand up to hate and bigotry — together.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com