8月3日 8:54AM
It’s no secret that I love Amtrak. It’s one of the reasons I’m excited about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, which includes the largest investment in passenger rail since Amtrak’s founding. We’re going to modernize our rail systems and expand services across the country.
8月3日 7:39AM
今日は黒人女性に対する給与の平等を掲げる日「Black Women’s Equal Pay Day」です。この日にあたり、我々は一つの難しい現実を認識しなければなりません。黒人女性は同じ仕事をしている白人男性が12カ月で得る同額の給料を稼ぐのにおよそ20カ月かかるのです。これは正しいことではありません。
This Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, we must recognize a hard truth: it takes a Black woman nearly 20 months to earn what a white man makes in one year for the same exact work. It’s unconscionable.
My Administration is committed to closing the gender pay gap once and for all.
8月3日 5:59AM
Americans shouldn’t be losing hours of their lives stuck in traffic because the streets are crumbling — or waiting for slow, spotty internet to connect them to the world.
We can do better. We’ve got to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com