The fact is we’ve got about 790 or so billionaires in America.
You know what their average tax rate is? About 8%.
I believe that no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a teacher, a firefighter, an electrician, or a cop.
6月14日 7:34AM
彼らの平均税率を知っていますか? およそ8%です。
Under my plan no one making less than $400,000 per year will pay a penny more in federal taxes.
But we’ll no longer have a situation where 55 of the largest corporations in America pay zero in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profits.
6月14日 5:49AM
Last week, I spoke with retailers about how ocean shipping price hikes are forcing them to raise costs.
Tonight, Congress passed a bipartisan bill to crack down on this behavior. It’ll help lower costs for American families. I look forward to signing it.
6月13日 1:57PM
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