It’s critical my funding request gets approved as quickly as possible.
We either back the Ukrainian people as they defend their country or stand by as the Russians continue their atrocities and aggression.
4月29日 6:40AM
Yesterday, Russia threatened two of our allies with a cut off of energy supplies.
Let me be clear: We will not let Russia intimidate or blackmail their way out of sanctions. And we will not allow them to use their oil to avoid consequences for their aggression.
We are working with other nations — like South Korea, Japan, and Qatar — that support our effort to help our European allies threatened by Russia with gas blackmail meet their energy needs in other ways.
Aggression will not win. Threats will not win.
It’s another reminder of the imperative for Europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy — and the U.S. is doing that now.
Last year we deployed more solar, wind, and battery storage than any year in history — enough to power 56 million homes.
4月28日 3:10PM
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com