9月22日 9:16AM
Today I spoke with President Emmanuel Macron of France, and reaffirmed the importance of French and European engagement in the Indo-Pacific region. I look forward to a process of in-depth consultations and to meeting with him in October.
9月22日 7:22AM
As we fight COVID-19 here at home, we need to continue our efforts overseas. That’s why today, I announced we’re increasing our total vaccine donation to over 1.1 billion doses — more than every other country combined.
That’s American leadership on the global stage.
9月22日 3:18AM
Instead of continuing to fight the wars of the past, we are fixing our eyes on — and devoting our resources to — the challenges that hold the keys to our future: ending the pandemic, the climate crisis, emerging technology, and the threat of terrorism as it stands today.
写真:Pix_Arena / Shutterstock.com