As I’ve said before to the LGBTQI+ community: Your President has your back. Yesterday, I signed an Executive Order that will protect the community from hateful attacks, use the full force of the government to prevent “conversion therapy,” advance equality for families, and more.
6月16日 7:01AM
以前 LGBTQI+の皆さんに「あなた方の大統領はあなた方を応援します」と伝えました。そして昨日、皆さんを憎悪の攻撃から守り、政府が「転向療法」を全力で阻止し、家族の平等を守ることを推進することなどを盛り込んだ大統領命令に署名しました。
We need an economy built from the middle out and the bottom up — not the top down.
Because I know that when the middle class does well, everybody does well.
6月16日 3:39AM
This morning, I spoke with President Zelenskyy to discuss Russia’s brutal and ongoing war against Ukraine. I reaffirmed our commitment to stand by Ukraine and shared that the United States is providing over $1.2 billion in additional security and humanitarian assistance.
6月15日 4:00PM
写真:Pix_Arena /